After serveral years I finally managed to restructure my websites. The blog here was kind of infrequently used and the photography section pointed to my flickr account using a flash viewer. Especially with this photography portfoilio there were several things that I did not like:
First of all this wasn’t a portfolio at all with the lack of any selection and reasonable presentation. Essentially I am using flickr now for any kind of photo and not only for selected ones. Also, in line with the ongoing shift to other platforms, I have started putting fine art-like photos to other sites like 500px. Hence, flickr wasn’t the right basis anymore. Second, flash is a dying web technology and has several drawbacks for photography. Most important it doesn’t support color management well. So dropping this viewer was also an important step.
As a consequence I have created a dedicated website for my photography work: This website will also contain a blog for the photography-related things I am doing.
The blog here will still continue to exist and I will try to update it from time to time, especially with more tech-related stuff. As such things are mainly discussed in English, I have also switched the language to English now by replacing the underlying Wordpress installation. To make the maintenance of this blog and the portfolio easier I have also switched to the network features of Wordpress, which allows to run multiple sites using the same Wordpress installation.